H E L L O T H E R E , W E L C O M E T O E A R T H T O G A B I .
Chin Ping here. I hate to break it to you so early on in the introduction, but my real name isn't Gabi. However, I am absolutely okay with you calling me that. In fact, that's what most people who don't know me personally or can't pronounce my name address me as. I have gone by the name Gabriella for as long as I can remember, but over time it was shortened to just Gabi. Not only do I identify as your humble author, but as a failed houseplant keeper, professional daydreamer and self-confessed bookworm. I also happen to be a dog lover who is currently pursuing a diploma in architecture, and aspires to do too many things.
When I created my first blog in 2009, I had no idea what I was doing. I was only nine, and had just discovered the world of blogging. I was just happy to have a space where I could express my love for writing and quench my need to be heard simultaneously. I blogged inconsistently for a few years, with themes ranging from book reviews to song recommendations, but eventually stopped altogether. Said blog is now lost somewhere deep within the Internet's waste basket.
Nine years later, I found myself back here, with an itch to write and add something valuable to this world. Writing has always been my sanctuary, a world where all that exists stems from me. It allows me to unfold and reveal parts of me that speech cannot, and for that, I will always be grateful for writing. Through this platform, I hope to create a safe haven for myself to write truthfully and show intricately, as well as a judgement-free zone where no topic is off-limits for an intellectual discussion, be it the systems that threaten our environment or the best way to eat Marmite.
Stick around and enjoy the 100% organic/homemade content that this blog has to offer. Wipe your feet on the way in.